Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a plague in the world. Acquired means that a person can be infected, immunodeficiency means that it weakens the immunity of the organism and syndrome means that it causes many health problems, once people get it. Virus that causes AIDS is known as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Once infected, the body tries to rid the body of the virus and ends with the formation of antibodies that show an HIV test. It is said that people with these antibodies to HIV-positive. People with HIV infection are many opportunistic infections that would eventually be removed from the body's immunity against disease.
Many people will suffer infections from parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungi. AIDS is spread through body fluids such as Semen, blood, breast milk and vaginal fluid. Many transmission got through sex with an infected person, sharing needles, and through his mother, where the child is born to infected mothers. AIDS used to previously transmitted through blood transfusion, but now the blood carefully screened for AIDS before it is transferred to another person. Signs and symptoms that characterize the disease Aids include muscle pain, fever, headache, stomach pain, rash, sore joints, swollen lymph glands. Other people will not have any symptoms at all.
Virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome remains in the organism and unsuitable wreaking havoc on the immune system, and all trials this time will be negative. That is why it is advisable to take the test as soon as people think that they are infected and later after three months to confirm the test. This long enough to allow the immune system to make antibodies that attempt to deal with this disease. People can live healthy lives for up to 10 years with the HIV virus, but later their health might deteriorate due to extensive damage to the immune system. CD4 cell count is used to determine the extent of HIV infection in the body.
People with a low CD4 count less than 200 cells is said to have acquired immune deficiency syndrome. People also have opportunistic infections such as Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) which is a skin cancer, Candida, a fungal infection affecting the vagina, mouth and throat or Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), a lung infection. Other diseases that people will suffer are brain tumors and severe weight loss. There is no known cure for AIDS and people with this condition can either die in a few months, either to live for a long time before they give.
Antiretroviral drugs (ARVS) were introduced, and their aim is to extend the life of the patient and reduce its impact on the infected person. Acquired immune deficiency syndrome can be prevented through abstinence, as in many cases are the result of sexual intercourse with infected people. True, when the partner also helps, as well as the use of condoms, if people have more than one partner. Pregnant women with HIV can give birth to babies of HIV-negative if they take medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Title : Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Description : Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a plague in the world. Acquired means that a person can be infected, immunodeficiency means tha...