Everyone has a vague idea about what makes Google AdWords. It is advertising that works based on keywords, and they are sold to the highest bidder. Or something like that. But it's really not as simple as that. Let's get on with our Google AdWords guide that should put you in touch with how to use this powerful tool.
Imagine that your business runs on an annual budget for Google AdWords, that $ 15.000. Of course your competition is easily 10 times, if not more. This means keywords you covet, your competition is a lot more money to bid for, than you ever will. Does that mean you can forget these keywords? Not very much. AdWords on Google is not a valid auction. Google just wants to put any ad there, if it considers that its uers are not going to really like ad or website, it takes them. The higher the quality Web site Google point people to, the better they can feel about Google. Thus search engine tries to kill your website on a scale of 1 to 10; If your website is better than the competition, you can still get your keywords, even if you don't have a lot of money for them.
You don't want all your best keywords to receive visitors on the same page on the website. If you have a Web site that sells sporting goods, for example, would be a good idea for, say, Nike, Reebok, sports accessories page, leading to a page shoes and Adidas clothing, leading to the page. This helps you to buy very specific keywords and save money.
Pruning useless keywords can help Google position sharply. Do not select keywords, ultra-popular at the time-because all of this. A lot of help Google AdWords, websites fail to note that once you land an essential then you need their reel landing page which is filled with content-content that changes as often as possible. Google will take this into account. Great idea to make the landing page in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for your clients. There is nothing that a potential customer is evaluating how to find the store Web site which has great information, it could not find anywhere else. For this reason, Amazon's customer reviews section is very popular.
Do you ever wonder why every website out there was about us link? And why anywhere there's a registration where you will need to enter your email address is privacy policy prominently displayed? This is because if they don't, their quality score on Google AdWords will suffer. And if your landing page is down even for a short time, Google will take note.
If you want to have Google AdWords Help your business, there are hundreds of resources websites out there that will give you wonderful pieces of information about the Google algorithms. Read them and win.
Title : Help Google AdWords, you can use
Description : Everyone has a vague idea about what makes Google AdWords. It is advertising that works based on keywords, and they are sold to the highest ...